Healing with Crystals - Chase & Pawlik Μεγαλύτερη προβολή

Healing with Crystals - Chase & Pawlik

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1 Αντικείμενο

Προσοχή: Τελευταία κομμάτια!

14,00 € με Φ.Π.Α

Προσθήκη στη λίστα επιθυμιών

  • Healing with Crystals - Chase & Pawlik
    155 pages
    Healing with Crystals is an easy-to-follow introduction to using clear quartz crystals for personal and spiritual growth. The book describes how to develop your intuitive connection with the crystal by using a pendulum, so that you can determine how you choose and care for your crystals to make them work best for you. The book also suggests some simple ways to balance your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual energy. Although the methods are simple, the effects can be profound. The keys are the quality of the relationship that you have with the crystal, and your commitment to your personal and spiritual transformation.