
  • Colloidal Silver
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    Colloidal Silver

    Wednesday, November 27, 2013

    Colloidal Silver....a Health jewelry ....

    Few years ago I heard about colloidal silver but wasn’t interest on finding out about it, but recently ,while searching for something else ,and jumping from one site to another, I have start to discover the secrets of….silver water….
    Since the ancient or even prehistoric times, silver was consider as a special metal…
    It was associated with the moon , with the 6th chakra , and also in the Ayurvedic medicine has been used as a spleen and liver detoxifier.people have used it as a sterilizer in hospitals ,an also as an antibiotic till the discovery of penicillin , but also even till the 50’s ..till the rise and domination of the big pharmaceutical companies…


    The same existence of silverware is believed it has to do with these special properties of silver these properties that can kill a germ just by simple contact …….actually many studies have proven that colloidal silver is efficient on killing about 650 types of bacteria, viruses, fungi,parasites etc  such as : staphylococcus , salmonella ,candida ,pseudomonas  etc ..

    The first settle men in America  used to put a silver coin inside the milk so that it will not spoil fast..

    Research has showed that silver had excellent results against gastroenteritis , pneumonia ,gonorrhea

    Malaria , parasites, herpes ,syphilis ulcers and many many more….

    Of course, as with any remedy that people can prepare at home spending just some time and a few money , could be a herb or apricot kernels to fight cancer ,same happened with colloidal silver in early 90’s .It was then when the FDA (of course after the suggestion of the Big Pharma )has started a hunt against silver water ,either by spreading false news just to terrorize people ,either by starting law sues usually of economical character ,against small manufactures or privates that were producing colloidal silver , having as result  a product that previously could be found on the market shelves now to be something rare and exotic….

    There is a disease  called “argyria” which causes the skin to turn blue…
    Argyria is caused when the human body absorbs too much silver …But just be clear, 1st  needs A LOT of silver , and 2nd  silver in a different form that colloidal silver has.
    You can 100% safely consume 50-100 ml daily for 10-20 days without any fear of turning blue.. 
    It  would  be a good idea to consume also some yogurt to help the intestines fauna during the period of time you use colloidal silver.

    But what is colloidal silver ?

    It is actually a mix of distilled water with some silver atoms …we will put the silver atoms in the water, simply by electrolyzing 2 bars of pure silver 999 , (not silver 925 that is used to make jewelries , cause it contains other metals too such as copper or nickel  …and you don’t want to drink Nickel..Nickel is No good !!! 

    And while there are ready “colloidal silver generators “ to buy , these are usually a bit too expensive starting from 100$ to reach 400-500 or even more…and they do their job good ,having also a few more..exotic characteristics which are quite useful but not nessecery for the silver water production

    But don’t worry !!! anyone can do a home silver generator …there are more than plenty designs online to choose from ,manydifferent but all using the same principles…
    In a electric circuit of 27 DC volts (we can use 30, 24 or even 12 volts though 27 is considered  a “good” voltage power for producing silver water , also because it produces it in the half time than the 12 volts) We can use 3x 9vlts batteries ,or a wall power supply from an old electric appliance .
    So in the 2 ends of this circuit we put 2 pieces of fine pure 999 silver wire , or 2 silver coins , and we put them in distilled water (never use tap water or bottled water ..they contain minerals  or and salts that will bond with the silver molecules creating something else , which can be even dangerous..

    So in the 2 ends of this circuit we put 2 pieces of fine pure 999 silver wire , or 2 silver coins , and we put them in distilled water (never use tap water or bottled water ..they contain minerals  or and salts that will bond with the silver molecules creating something else , which can be even dangerous..

    Be turning on the power in our circuit, silver atoms will start traveling from one silver bar to the other, some remaining in the water…becoming more and more as time goes by…this time can be from 1 hour to 5-6 hours, depending on water temperature (the warmer the faster), how many volts we use, how big are the silver “electrodes” etc…eventually our water will be ready to consume, or to store in dark bottles.( colloidal silver doesn’t like light J )We can use a gadget called TDS meter that counts the PPM (parts per million )of silver in the water…to know when it is ready .Between 10, -30 PPM is consider ideal…

    This is in general terms the theory behind the production of colloidal silver.
    Colloidal silver can be used in many ways, and as a remedy for many health problems…and without side effects..

    We can drink it for gastroenteritis ,to clean and sterilize open wounds, as a deodorant for the armpits, or for…stinky shoes..we can clean and sterilize  kitchen benches ,toilets…our fantasy is the limit!!!

    For Hundreds of years , colloidal silver has been used as a disincentive , and as an antibiotic ,and has proven that it works well ,and with no side effects ,in case that vary from a common cold to HIV/AIDS …

    You can Order your Colloidal Silver here :

    University of North Texas
    Time-Kill Study on SilverKare Colloidal Silver

    This study documents the results of a quality colloidal silver product tested against a wide range of illness-causing pathogens. The study proves that colloidal silver is effective as an antibacterial agent against Staph, Candidas, Salmonella and Psuedomonas in laboratory studies ( in-vitro ).

    Laboratory Studies Conducted by The University Of North Texas
    Product: SilverKare at 15 PPM and 30 PPM
    Isolated Colloidal Silver

    Time-Kill Study Conducted by UNT
    Mark A. Farinha, Ph.D. 
    Professor of Microbiology
    Microbes testedStaphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus and Enterococcus faecalis
    Example of Staphylococcus aureus
    [ Example of Staphylococcus aureus ]
    Results: Reduction of population counts from >10 million to undetectable in four minutes of exposure
    Microbes Tested: Salmonella typhimurium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    Example of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
    [ Example of Pseudomonas aeruginosa ]
    Results: Reduction of population counts from >10 million to undetectable in four minutes of exposure
    Microbe Tested: Candida albicans
    Example of Candida albicans

    Example of Candida albicans ]
    Results: Reduction of population counts from >1 billion to undetectable in two minutes.

    Details of the Study

    Staphyloccus aureus ATCC12600
    Two concentrations of isolated silver were used, one 15 PPM isolated colloidal silver and one 30 PPM isolated colloidal silver. The 30 PPM colloidal silver achieved results markedly faster, although both formulations achieved the desired results within four minutes:
    ( Time in minutes ----> )
    S. aureus 30 PPM17,0000.00600000
    S. aureus 15 PPM8,00068501010.120.055

    The in-vitro lab results conclusively demonstrate that a high quality isolated colloidal silver product is remarkably effective in concentrations of both 15 PPM and 30 PPM against Staph Aureus. A greater concentration demonstrated faster action, however, the results in the first four minutes dropped population counts to nearly non-existant levels with both formulations.
    Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO
    Two concentrations of isolated silver were used, one 15 PPM isolated colloidal silver and one 30 PPM isolated colloidal silver. The 30 PPM colloidal silver achieved results markedly faster, although both formulations achieved the desired results within four minutes:
    ( Time in minutes ----> )
    P. aerugisona 30 PPM13,0000.00500000
    P. aerugisona 15 PPM2,10025141.80.00500
    The in-vitro lab results conclusively demonstrate that a high quality isolated colloidal silver product is remarkably effective in concentrations of both 15 PPM and 30 PPM against Psuedomonas aeruginosa. A greater concentration demonstrated faster action, however, the results in the first four minutes dropped population counts to nearly non-existant levels with both formulations.
    Salmonella typhimurium
    Two concentrations of isolated silver were used, one 15 PPM isolated colloidal silver and one 30 PPM isolated colloidal silver. The 30 PPM colloidal silver achieved results markedly faster, although both formulations achieved the desired results within four minutes:
    ( Time in minutes ----> )
    S. typhimurium 30 PPM13,0000.00300000
    S. typhimurium 15 PPM10,0000.60.0680.005000
    The in-vitro lab results conclusively demonstrate that a high quality isolated colloidal silver product is remarkably effective in concentrations of both 15 PPM and 30 PPM against Salmonella typhimurium. A greater concentration demonstrated faster action, although the results in the first four minutes dropped population counts to nearly non-existant levels with both formulations.
    Candida albicans
    One 30 PPM isolated colloidal silver was used in this study.
    ( Time in minutes ----> )
    C. albicans 30 PPM3200.000500000
    The in-vitro lab results conclusively demonstrate that a high quality isolated colloidal silver product is remarkably effective in a concentration 30 PPM ( likely 15 PPM as well ) against Candida albicans. The results in the first two minutes dropped population counts to nearly non-existant levels.
    Enterococcus faecalis ATCC19433
    Two concentrations of isolated silver were used, one 15 PPM isolated colloidal silver and one 30 PPM isolated colloidal silver. The 30 PPM colloidal silver achieved results markedly faster, although both formulations achieved the desired results within four minutes:
    ( Time in minutes ----> )
    E. faecalis 30 PPM4100.0002200000
    E. faecalis 15 PPM7,6009457105.30.50.04
    The in-vitro lab results conclusively demonstrate that a high quality isolated colloidal silver product is remarkably effective in concentrations of both 15 PPM and 30 PPM against Salmonella typhimurium. A greater concentration demonstrated faster action, although the results in the first four minutes dropped population counts to nearly non-existant levels with both formulations.

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